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OpzioniScaricatoreNG9NG7NG5NG3NGTOPData LoggerNG1BC1Tecnologia
Data Logger

The Data Logger is a simple but accurate device to control and monitor batteries from 24 to 96 V
You can easily place it on a battery and connect it to the + and –: it will record automatically essential data.

With the Battery Data Logger is possible to manage a complete and accurate database of the battery fleet.
You can constantly monitor the correct working duty and correct utilization of each battery.

  • Charging cycles quantity.
  • Opportunity charging quantity.
  • Disconnections from the battery with date and time of the first occuring.
  • Overdischarges with date and time (250 occurencies max.)
  • Overtemperature (more than 50° C) with date and time (100 occurencies max)
Voltage and times limits are singularly adjustable